Thursday, July 19, 2012


                Hello Family! We had a great weekend last weekend. Celebrating Obon.
  Obon is an annual Buddhist event commemorating one's ancestors. It is believed that each year during obon, the ancestor's spirits return to this world in order to visit their relatives.

Saturday we took a bus for an hour long ride, part of that ride went over and under the ocean! They made a tunnel that goes under the ocean. Pretty dang cool eh? We went with Our friends Tyler and Kyo. This video shoes the parade we attended, were they carried the spirits in a temple like thing up and down the street, shaking them to wake them up! Watch out for naked bottoms... the men wear wearing thongs!

Each group wore matching Yukata's.

Sunday we were lucky enough to have a festival right outside our door! We heard some really loud drums and went out exploring. The "dancing" was beautiful and looked really hard. A TV station interviewed us. Makes us famous right!

As if all that wasn't enough fun!? Monday, John had the day off so we went to the park and fed the coy fish at our favorite park..

And later that night we went with our friends Joey and Chelsea to watch as one town released their ancestors back into the other world I guess? Or where ever they hand out till next year :).


Things are going great! I can honestly say I like living here. We can't wait to visit in 6 weeks though!

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