Hey guys :)
Life here with the Jensen family is great and exciting! We had two earth quakes this week, and I got to go to Costco!!!!!!!!!!
The Earth quakes were nothing to worry about, but man was it weird having such a big building moving. Didn't feel right at all!
Costco almost made me cry, it was just like a C
ostco at home, with a few weird additions. They
didn't have all the normal stuff but they had enough to help us really get some good basics in the house. We even have peanut butter now! To get to the store from the parking garage you have to ride these huge escalator that was magnetic. The cart just sticks to the ramp. It was so cool! They had a food bar thingy like in America and the pizza taste normal!

We went to the Imperial Palace last
Saturday, where the
Emperor lives. It was freezing cold, but it was our only day to get out together so we went anyway. The whole thing is
surrounded by a Moat. So cool!

Dallin turned 2 months this week! He changes so much every day its unbelievable. We cant stop watching him and his cute smiles. I just loved this picture of him and John... so cute! His
neck is getting so strong!

I had to show you guys this. (Doug and Carla warned me about this)
Fruit here is OUTRAGEOUSLY priced. Not only that, its treated like royalty. Each fruit has its own little protection. As you can see the
cantaloupe gets a golden case. (
ok its not real gold... but still) A really good exchange rate right now is 80 cents for 100 yen. One apple is 398 yen.... We saw a cantaloupe tonight that was around $35........ It wasnt even as nicely packaged as these.

We went to this restaurant for
Okonomen Yaki that was really fun, although
didnt taste so good... and everyone smokes. So I was pretty worried about
Dallin the whole time.
We also made something called Don
budi ( once again
dont count on my spelling) anyway it was onions, chicken, eggs, and a sauce we made. Don
budi means mother and child. So... The chicken is the mother, and the egg is the child.
Lol I thinks its pretty messed up.

I also made something called
SOOOO GOOD!!! Its thinly sliced beef, cooked in a really really yummy sauce, eaten with rice. I'll make it for you when we get home. After that we went to this tiny whole in the wall, where this really old man was cramped into a little area making these yummy somethings... They look cool right? You could get one with cheese in it or some kind of custard thing.

Miss you guys!!!!!!